El ministerio de salud y protección social, emitió la tabla actualizada de casos positivos del Covib-19, en Colombia:
El ministerio de salud y protección social, emitió la tabla actualizada de casos positivos del Covib-19, en Colombia:
- Infectados #491 casos,
- Número de muertos #6
- Recuperados #8
El número de muertos que ha cobrado la enfermedad en el mundo son en total 20,497 personas, en 191 países casi la misma población de Daimiel municipio y localidad española de la provincia de Ciudad Real, (Castilla-La Mancha) a unos 168 km de Madrid. Comparado casi también a la población de la cabecera municipal de San Onofre, en Sucre, Colombia que tiene 19,722 habitantes. Sin el esfuerzo de la OMS, el Apoyo de los países, gobernantes, entidades públicas y privadas, y personas de buen corazón, que han hecho frente a la pandemia mundial, no fuera posible la pedagogía, para que el Virus asesino COVID-19, no avanzará más en su frenética carrera de asolar el mundo, y dejar poblaciones enteras como pueblos fantasma, Daimiel y San Onofre, no existieran, si la humanidad no hubiera reaccionado a tiempo, si el agravante de la inconsciencia colectiva y la necedad reincidente se hubiera apoderado de la gente. Los organismos de control del orden público, y las estrategias de contención, mitigación, trasmisión generalizada, han puesto en marcha los protocolos en Aeropuertos, Transporte Público Entidades Educativas, Comercio, Entidades de Salud, en ciudades y calles, hasta se han dictado Decretos de Estados, para no solo, el aislamiento preventivo. Para países como Colombia, y otros países de Latinoamérica, ha sido necesario el aislamiento general obligatorio, debido a las condiciones económicas del tercer mundo, países que subsisten de los productos agrícolas y materias primas, altas tasas de analfabetismo, crecimiento demográfico galopante y gran inestabilidad política. Solo queda esperar que el pico de contagio o la curva del brote epidémico, descienda, se estabilice y se normalicen las condiciones de salubridad en el país, y se valla, poco a poco, especializando las salas de tratamiento, debido a lo volátil del virus, que no solo utiliza el aire para su propagación sino personas, que se movilizan y pueden contagiar cosas y objetos, que a diario utilizan.
Js Suárez.
NBC Notícias.
Presidente Fundación NBC Estudios.
Espere Prevención, Tratamiento, Vacunación Blog Dra. Salud 👈
The Ministry of Health and Social Protection issued the updated table of positive cases of Covib-19, in Colombia: Infected # 491 cases, Death toll # 6 Recovered # 8 The number of deaths that the disease has claimed in the world are a total of 20,497 people, in 191 countries almost the same population of Daimiel municipality and Spanish town in the province of Ciudad Real, (Castilla-La Mancha) about 168 km from Madrid . Almost also compared to the population of the municipal capital of San Onofre, in Sucre, Colombia, which has 19,722 inhabitants. Without the effort of the WHO, the support of countries, governments, public and private entities, and people with good hearts, who have faced the global pandemic, pedagogy was not possible, so that the Killer Virus COVID-19, He will no longer advance in his frantic career of ravaging the world, and leaving entire populations such as ghost towns, Daimiel and San Onofre, would not exist, if humanity had not reacted in time, if the aggravating factor of collective unconsciousness and recurrent folly had empowered people. The organisms of control of the public order, and the strategies of containment, mitigation, generalized transmission, have put in place the protocols in Airports, Public Transport, Educational Entities, Commerce, Health Entities, in cities and streets, until decrees of States, not only, preventive isolation. For countries like Colombia, and other Latin American countries, mandatory general isolation has been necessary, due to the economic conditions of the third world, countries that subsist on agricultural products and raw materials, high illiteracy rates, rampant population growth and great instability. politics. It only remains to hope that the peak of contagion or the curve of the epidemic outbreak will decrease, stabilize and the health conditions in the country will normalize, and gradually, specializing in the treatment rooms, due to the volatility of the virus. , which not only uses air for its propagation but people, who move and can spread things and objects, which they use daily.
Drafting: Js Suárez.
NBC News. President of the NBC Estudios Foundation.
Wait Prevention, Treatment, Vaccination. Blog Dra. Salud 👈
Js Suárez.
NBC Notícias.
Presidente Fundación NBC Estudios.
Espere Prevención, Tratamiento, Vacunación Blog Dra. Salud 👈
The Ministry of Health and Social Protection issued the updated table of positive cases of Covib-19, in Colombia: Infected # 491 cases, Death toll # 6 Recovered # 8 The number of deaths that the disease has claimed in the world are a total of 20,497 people, in 191 countries almost the same population of Daimiel municipality and Spanish town in the province of Ciudad Real, (Castilla-La Mancha) about 168 km from Madrid . Almost also compared to the population of the municipal capital of San Onofre, in Sucre, Colombia, which has 19,722 inhabitants. Without the effort of the WHO, the support of countries, governments, public and private entities, and people with good hearts, who have faced the global pandemic, pedagogy was not possible, so that the Killer Virus COVID-19, He will no longer advance in his frantic career of ravaging the world, and leaving entire populations such as ghost towns, Daimiel and San Onofre, would not exist, if humanity had not reacted in time, if the aggravating factor of collective unconsciousness and recurrent folly had empowered people. The organisms of control of the public order, and the strategies of containment, mitigation, generalized transmission, have put in place the protocols in Airports, Public Transport, Educational Entities, Commerce, Health Entities, in cities and streets, until decrees of States, not only, preventive isolation. For countries like Colombia, and other Latin American countries, mandatory general isolation has been necessary, due to the economic conditions of the third world, countries that subsist on agricultural products and raw materials, high illiteracy rates, rampant population growth and great instability. politics. It only remains to hope that the peak of contagion or the curve of the epidemic outbreak will decrease, stabilize and the health conditions in the country will normalize, and gradually, specializing in the treatment rooms, due to the volatility of the virus. , which not only uses air for its propagation but people, who move and can spread things and objects, which they use daily.
Drafting: Js Suárez.
NBC News. President of the NBC Estudios Foundation.
Wait Prevention, Treatment, Vaccination. Blog Dra. Salud 👈
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