In the press conference X National Contest of Folkloric Bands MENM. Why this year there is no Raicilleros parade, pitalero?
The Cultural Advisor, Robin Naranjo Manchego responded: It has to do with the purpose this year of dignifying the work of band musicians, the congress (House of Women 16 Nov, 9:30 a.m.) gives a cultural contribution. The pitalero parade was not this year, because of changing and because the bands and the weather wear out a lot.
Carlos Gracia Nechy Digital. ¿ Cuales son las expectativas del festival para el futuro. " hace un tiempo , (varios años) que estuvo sin realizarse? .
Carlos Gracia Nechy Digital. What are the expectations of the festival for the future. "Some time ago (several years) that it was not done?
The Secretary of Education responded, Esteban Castillo: The planetariums are still dreaming, we want to be contributing to the tourist progress of the municipality and turn the national contest of bands into the highest cultural expression of San Jorge.
Rafael Verte asks, If the contest will last for more than 20 years, what would be the contribution or achievements in cultural and educational matters?
Responde Igualmente Esteban Castillo: La música y nuestro folclor, no puede dejarse al azahar, es por eso que esta administración involucra a la juventud, en la escuela de música de banda, creando la escuela de bellas artes para que este ritmo perdure en el tiempo.
Esteban Castillo also responds: Music and our folklore, cannot be left at orange blossom, that is why this administration involves youth, in the band music school, creating the school of fine arts so that this rhythm lasts over time
Jesús Suarez, blog editor, cultural manager and entrepreneur of the orange economy, wrote this note for all his distinguished readers.
SOCIALES NBC: ECONÓMICAS NOTIJOVEN EN LA COSTA: CRISIS ECONÓMICA... 40 sindicatos y más de 100 representantes de movimientos sociales. se pusieron de acuerdo para protestar contra del Gobierno de Iván Duque. https://t.co/dcf1I8CJMZ— NBC COMUNICACIONES (@NbcColombia) November 7, 2019